The Consumer Council of Hong Kong shares the same mission and values of ANPCPPS in advocacy for the enhancement of consumer welfare InfoCons Protectia Consumatorilor 15 martie 2015

‘The Consumer Council of Hong Kong shares the same mission and values of ANPCPPS in advocacy for the enhancement of consumer welfare. Protection of Consumer Rights is by nature responsive to the changing tide of fortune of the economy which we shall continue on our way to raise consumer awareness and vigilance.

10 years with the ‘o9atitudine’, we would like to express our gratitude for all consumer organisations in representing the voices of consumers, by advocating their interests, enhancing their welfare and empowering them to protect their own rights and values. Although we are serving the consumers in different parts of the world, our spirit is together and we wish the Association continued success in striving for consumer betterment.’

Gilly Wong - HKCC

Gilly WONG, Chief Executive of the Consumer Council Hong Kong

Pe același subiect


InfoCons ( – Asociație Națională de Protecția Consumatorilor, unica organizație din România cu drepturi depline în Consumers International, este o asociație de consumatori neguvernamentală, apolitică, reprezentativă, de drept privat, fără scop lucrativ, cu patrimoniu distinct și indivizibil, independentă, întemeiată pe principii democratice, ce apără drepturile consumatorilor – membră fondatoare a Federației Asociațiilor de Consumatori.

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