In activitatile pe care le desfasuram in fiecare zi luam decizii, alegem, votam dar oare constient? Cumparam produse si servicii din magazinul de langa noi, din supermarket sau intram pe un site si comandam ceea ce ne atrage atentia. De cele mai multe ori, cu ideea ca ne grabim, ca timpul ne preseaza, alergam si achizitionam un produs fara a ne gasi ragazul de a citi eticheta, de a compara produsele in functie de triada calitate-pret-cantitate si facem gestul automat de a pune in cos, de a plati si de a continua cursa zilnica catre ceva…Dar incotro? Pana la urma fugim undeva sau fugim de ceva?
Haideti sa gasim timp sa ne gandim la ce cumparam, cum cumparam, de ce cumparam si sa facem acest lucru, nu din perspective filozofice, nu pentru a ne analiza comportamentul, ci pentru binele nostru. De fiecare data cand facem o alegere, sa intelegem ca este esential sa stim ce decidem: daca discutam de mancare, sa fim constienti ca ea reprezinta carburantul nostru si trebuie sa fie cu adevarat un carburant calitativ, sa ne ofere energie maxima si sa nu dauneze motorului intern; daca discutam de servicii, produse sau imbracaminte de folosinta indelungata, sa cumparam ceea ce realmente necesitam, ceea ce ne ajuta si mai ales ceea ce ne creeaza un real confort.
Este important sa retinem ca atunci cand cumparam ceva validam acel produs, acel magazin, acel producator prin achizitia facuta. Trebuie sa fim siguri ca merita acest vot si sa constientizam ca prin votul nostru de incredere va primi si votul celor apropiati noua. Decizia de a cumpara ceva este o certificare, iar aceasta certificare trebuie facuta intelept! Pentru a face evaluarea in vederea certificarii trebuie sa citim eticheta: termenul de valabilitate, modul de depozitare si ingredientele si sa un uitam ca acestea sunt in ordine descrescatoare, adica primul este in cantitatea cea mai mare, iar ultimul in cantitatea cea mai mica. In cazul produselor nealimentare, cum ar fi imbracamintea, trebuie sa ne uitam si la pictograme, la datele de identificare ale producatorului (datele companiei, tara de origine) – pentru a putea decide daca validam munca cetatenilor din acea tara sau nu.
Avem posibilitatea sa alegem un produs fabricat in Romania si daca putem, de ce sa nu ajutam vecinii sau prietenii sa aiba un loc de munca? Noi, InfoCons – InfoCons suntem alaturi de tine prin programe si proiecte de informare, de educare. Mai mult, comparam zilnic produse si servicii in laboratoare independente cu experti si specialisti si publicam rezultatele pe unde si tu te poti informa, poti decide mai intelept, mai bine si mai sigur ca stii ce cumperi pentru familie, copii si prieteni.
Asa ca haideti sa nu ne mai aflam intr-o miscare browniana si sa ne oprim putin, sa ne gandim cand cheltuim banii pentru a evita sa aruncam la gunoi mancare expirata, care se strica pentru ca nu am stiut sa o depozitam sau am cumparat prea multa. Haideti sa nu mai tinem in dulapuri haine pe care nu le purtam, aparate electronice si electrocasnice care nu au randamentul asteptat sau servicii de care uitam a doua zi. Toate acestea inseamna bani, iar banii sunt rezultatul muncii noastre zilnice! Va invit sa muncim mai bine, sa cumparam mai bine, sa fim mai atenti, mai informati, mai decisi, sa fim consumatori europeni cu o9atitudine!
Through the activities we perform every day we make decisions, we choose, we vote, but are we conscious about it? We buy products and services from the nearest shop or market and we visit a web site to buy something that attracts us for one reason or another. Often, thinking we are in a hurry, during our presses, we run and buy a product without reading the label, comparing the products through the triad quality-price-quantity and almost automatically we put in our shopping cart the product, we pay and run away… After all, what are we run away from?
Let’s find some time to think of what we buy, how we buy and why we buy and to make it not from philosophically or analytically perspectives but for our wealth. It’s essential to know that every time we buy something, we need to know how to decide: if speaking about food, to be aware of its importance, that food is our fuel and it has to be a qualitative one, to provide maximum of energy and not to harm our internal engine; if speaking about durable services, products or clothes, let’s buy only what we really need, what really helps us and make us feel comfortable.
It’s important to remind when buying something we validate that product, store or producer through our acquisition. We have to be sure it worthwhile our vote and aware of the fact that once given our trust, our closest persons will give it too. The decision of buying something represents a certification and this certification must be done wisely! In order to make the evaluation of the certification we have to read the label: terms of validity, storage mode and ingredients and remember they are written undescended, more precisely the first ingredient with the biggest quantity and last ingredient with the smartest quantity. In case of non-food products such as clothing, we have to look at icons too, at the data identification of the producer (as company data, country of origin ) – in order to decide if we validate the work of the citizens of that country or not.
We have the possibility to choose a product manufactured in Romania and if we can, why not help neighbors or friends to have a job? We, The National Association for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies from Romania – InfoCons, we are with you through our informative and educative programs and projects. Moreover, we compare daily products and services in independent labs with experts and specialists and publish the results on, a web site where you can inform and decide wiser, better and safer what to buy for your family, children and friends.
So let’s not find ourselves in a Brownian motion and stop a little bit to think how we spend our money in order to avoid throwing away expired food, which breaks down because of the bad storage. Let's not keep clothes we are not wearing any more, electronics and appliances that don’t have the yield expected or services we forget the day after. After all, this means wasted money, our money resulted of our daily work! I invite you to work better, to buy better, to be more careful, more informed, to be European consumers with aNewatitude!
Sorin Mierlea – Presedinte A.N.P.C.P.P.S. Romania – InfoCons